How We Built a Spacetools Studio
Kristian Gambiraza
Chapter I: First Attempts after 2 Years Break
First I did not focus much on technology used (except of buying a new condense microphone Prosonus)
I quickly realized that if I don't want to tidy my whole office every time I want to shoot something and also completely rearrange the whole thing in order to look good, I will have to turn my table the opposite way so I don't look into a corner.
Eventually I have realized it is much more pleasant to sit in a corner and see the whole room. It feels more airy, like having more freedom, more space. And also you can see which kid is coming your way to ask if he/she can play on your computer.
The sad part was that I have also realized almost any new equipment (starting with Prosonus mic) I will attach to my old computer will not work or will struggle to work at all.
Chapter II: Let's Build a Home Studio
After checking current level of youtuber's equipment and quality of home made studios I have realized I have a lot to catch up.
Luckily there are so many manuals and guides on youtube. Especially gaming youtubers have the best equipment and knowledge they share and step-by-step I have purchased and installed all tools that made sense for me.
My three kids were at hand all the time I needed a little help.
Chapter III: Black is Not Back
After a few attempts of configuring new SW and HW on my old computer, I got sick of it and purchased a new PC. The old one served me well for 8 years and is still working, currently used by my son for learning purposes.
I have also realized that paper backgrounds are history and I will have to build a nice real "atelier sort of" environment.
Still I kept doing camera and mic tests to learn the way to set it up on the go. Practice is the only way to get this to know and find the right "combination".
Chapter IV: Lights...Aaaaaaargh
Now I understand how difficult and complex profession is "lighting". I have tried hundreds of combinations with lights I had (very solid professional photo lights) and there was always something wrong with it.
In this case the amount of "super" advices on youtube were counterproductive because everybody is saying something a bit different.
On this specific picture I thought I already have this. When I checked the camera and realized that half of my face is so dark I felt like giving up (not really, but had that resigned feeling)
Chapter V: This Was Just a Warm-Up
Once I finally found a solid setup I was ready to start shooting my material.
I had no idea that while I was building my studio and asking my kids for help here and there - which they gladly provided - they were building a conspiracy plan how to take advantage of my studio and launch their own youtube channel.
While my son wants to sell PS5s and run a trampoline-park and use youtube for promoting it, my dear twin daughters decided to run a talkshow on how to negotiate with their parents (especially fathers) in order to reach what they (daughters) want and avoid any homework at the sametime.
One can't deny their "sales DNA" :)